Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Splits=Scraped Knee

Okay so this week has been hard getting back into the swing of things after being on vacation. Each day this week has been crazy for both me and Matthew but especially for Matthew. I have been doing some major cleaning along with a lot of catch up with my work.

So I have been doubling up on working out so that I will get back into the swing of things...right : ) ! Well yesterday I got up bright and early, thanks to my personal alarm clock, Audrey. I went to my Yoga class which normally is not too strenuous for me but I was sweating buckets. Then I ran home to shower and change so that we could go to Story Time at the library. As I was running late, as usual, I scooped up Audrey off our deck and headed to the car to put her in. Well my intentions were good but as I stepped onto the grass my foot kept going and took me on a ride to the splits. The grass must have been damp and I did not realize it. It was in slow motion; the pain, the sliding and the splits. When Audrey and I finally reached the ground, she bursted out in tears even though she was fine. Me, on the other hand wanted to cry and grab my knee in pain. My leg had scrapped along the gravel as I was trying to break our fall.

I don't remember the last time I had done the splits or scraped my knee ; ( ! You would think that after doing Yoga I could do the splits but my tragic decent reminded me of how unflexible I still am. I am however enjoying the sympathy and bandaids that I get for having a scrapped knee. No skirts/shorts for a while I guess. I can't shave around my hurt hurts too much. Okay no more crying/whinning.


Life with the Akin Clan said...

That stinks! I can totally sympathize with you. I was trying to take my kids out in a game of hide and seek and had a collision with a tree. That's what I get for trying to take the kids out! ;-) I am glad you were not hurt worse! Did you make it to Storytime? If you did, way to go!!!

Mommy Lion said...

Capris! That's the answer. Then you only have to shave your calves! *wink*
Hope storytime was worth it!