Sunday, September 21, 2008

Birthday Week!

Birthday celebrating with Papa and Mimi

I had a friend whose family celebrated Birthday Weeks, where you would get a small present each day of your birthday week. I like that idea! So with Audrey's 2nd Birthday this past week brought a lot of celebration.
To prepare Audrey for her birthday on Thursday and what comes with it we talked to her about what her birthday meant and what people would say and do. She really liked the "Happy Birthday" song, especially the part that goes "...and many more!"
We knew we wanted to get another dog for our family and what better time than an Audrey-birthday! So on Tuesday evening we went and picked up our new beagle puppy, Winston Chewhill. Also on Tuesday and Wednesday Audrey got to take Chocolate Chip cookies to Mothers' Day Out and Park Way.
So when Thursday came she was ready for her big day! In the morning we spent a couple of hours getting her pictures done with our good friend and photograher Josie (shameless plug: Boy those pictures are going to be really cute. Then we went to one of Audrey's favorite restaurants, Taco Beano.

That night...we had a blast with our friends at Audrey's Birthday. We had hot dogs, chips and the best ...cake and icecream. Audrey wanted to make sure we had candy too, which we had a Dora Piniata. I think fun was had by all and we want to thank all our friends for joining us in celebrating her birthday!
She's getting so big, especially in her new dress-up outfits!
On another note...Friday evening my folks came in late and we spent the rest of the weekend with them and a few friends camping. This was Audrey's first camping trip and I think it make a good impression on her. As we were driving home this morning she said, "Audrey, good Camper!"


richlibrarian said...

sooooo cute!!!! she won't be in that dress long.

Jer says, "it's the cutest little niece that i've ever seen."

Rebecca said...

I think you two are biased! She loves her dress-up dress.

Jaime said...

She looks so big in that dress up dress! She is so big! :-)

hangnwjesus said...

So sorry we missed her party! (I ended up leaving work late.) Glad you guys had a great time! Ryan's been saying Audrey's name...I guess he misses her.


Rebecca said...

We missed you guys! We should get Ryan and Audrey together to plat sometime soon.

Mommy Lion said...

Sure wish we could have made it! Looks like EVERYONE had fun! We still need to get the girls together to play!