Sunday, November 02, 2008

Moses Pumpkin...

You have to admit that when the Bible is effecting your Jack-o-lantern's choice of face... your child is learning something from "Bible Study".
So Audrey has been going to Bible Study for some time now and is learning a lot about Moses. When I asked her what did she want her pumpkin to look like, she said, "Moses" then I said, "Baby in the basket Moses or older Moses" and she said, "let my people go!" So I took that to mean Older Moses.
Fall Harvest is my favorite time of year and I was really looking forward to our churches 'Farm Fair' I kind of rubbed off on my daughter. She had a blast and has been asking if we can go to Farm Fair again.
My Mom was able to come into town to join us for this weekend and I think she had a good time. I told my mom about several of the contests that our church has for Farm Fair and she decided to decorate a pumpkin as well to enter. Our family together ended up winning 4 prizes total due to the fact that we were some of the only entries!

As far as Audrey's costume goes...she really enjoyed being a Bumble Bee especially when she saw an episode of Wonder Pets where one of the characters dresses up like a Bumble Bee.


Mommy Lion said...

What a cute bubble bee you had! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the farm fair and I can't wait to taste your winning entry! *hint*

Jaime said...

So, what all did you win for?!

I didn't realize you had done the Moses pumpkin, but I could tell, even before I saw the "nametag" that it was Moses! Great job!